The UK's Leading Folding Mobility Scooter Specialists

How Can I Use My Mobility Scooter Safely On The Pavement?

How Can I Use My Mobility Scooter Safely On The Pavement?


When taking your scooter out, not only do you need to be mindful of yourself, but others around you. It can sometimes be overwhelming when you are in a busy area and you have your mobility scooter with you as you may forget what safety measures to take.

Here are some tips to keep yourself and other around you safe:

  • On pavements, do not exceed the speed limit of 4 mph
  • In busy areas, use your scooter on the lowest speed setting
  • Use your horn to alert people that you are near if it’s busy and they haven’t seen you
  • Keep both hands on the handle bars 
  • You may want to get some clip on mirrors so you can see behind you. These could be found on Amazon and eBay
  • When going around corners, slow down and turn the scooter slowly so you are in full control
  • Keep your scooter on a low or medium speed so you always have control 
  • Remember to always break, never out your feet down to stop the scooter as you could fall off and hurt yourself and also hurt anyone else around you
  • Keep your anti-tip wheels out for extra safety
  • Our scooters don’t come with seatbelts but if you would like one, have a look on Amazon, eBay or your local mobility shop for a removable one

If you stick to these tips, you will keep yourself safe and others around you when taking your mobility scooter out and about.

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