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Buying vs Renting a Mobility Scooter

Buying vs Renting a Mobility Scooter


It’s hard to know when it’s time to buy a mobility scooter but it can be easy to find out. If you have limited mobility that affects you less then 15% of the day then it may be that you need mobility aids like walking sticks or support frames instead of electronic products. If you find that you only need aids when in unfamiliar areas or for long days out then perhaps renting a mobility scooter may be better. Here we are going to run through some of the pros and cons of renting and buying mobility scooters.

Buying a Mobility Scooter


  1. More cost effective
    1. A lot of companies offer payment options like finance which help you bring down that initial payment into smaller and more affordable payments spread over a time period
  2. It’s yours!
    1. It sounds simple but if you buy one then it’s yours to keep for as long as you need it. You can have the freedom back in your daily life again. There are no terms and conditions when using your mobility scooter and no fees if you scratch it too.


  1. It’s not needed
    1. You may not need a mobility scooter all the time, and just need one for holidays abroad or short days out. This is when renting may be a better option for you
  2. Storage
    1. Some scooters can be big, heavy and attractive and you will need somewhere to store it all of the time. You may want to consider the folding mobility scooters that are compact and modern looking.

Renting a Mobility Scooter


  1. No Fixed Contract
    1. It’s perfect for trying out different types of mobility scooters and if you don’t like it then you can give it back! Simple


  1. Daily Rates
    1. Keep in mind that daily rates can be over £100.00. If you rent one for a couple of days to a week then it may be more cost effective to buy
  2. Damages
    1. If you break it , you buy it. Usually you will have some insurance when renting but in most cases you will need to pay for any damage or scratches caused whilst in use which can add up


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