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Make The Most Of The Festive Season With Your Mobility Scooter

Make The Most Of The Festive Season With Your Mobility Scooter


Christmas is just around the corner which means that there will be a lot more hustle and bustle for the next few weeks and from shopping for gifts to visiting family members, it can be both an exciting and stressful time. Having a mobility scooter is meant to be an asset and piece of freedom helping you navigate through this time of year. Whether it’s going to a holiday event or shopping in the January sale, we have some tips for you!

Shopping with Your Mobility Scooter

Shopping during the holiday season is hard enough not knowing what to get people on top of keeping up to date with all of the Christmas cards you want to send out in time. Shops are crowded and it’s hard to get to anything you want to, which is as if you can even get there in the first place. 

Unfortunately we cannot change this, we can only give you a few tips for your journey like: 

  • Keep your mobility scooter fully charged and maybe even invest in a spare battery that you can switch out meaning you can be out for longer.
  • Have you got enough storage? Look into an attachable basket or shopping trolley to wheel behind you on the back
  • Snacks! Keep hydrated and energized as you will be exhausted from this trip so ensure you are well prepared. It also means you don’t need to leave the queue you may be stuck in

Going to Holiday Parties with Your Mobility Scooter

Everyone loves a party right? They can be a lot of fun with your friends and family that you haven’t seen for a while. If you’re going on your mobility scooter then make sure you can be seen as often parties are dark, there’s a lot of drinking and your mobility scooter is expensive. You don’t want someone spilling their drink on your electric mobility scooter as this could break it. Invest in some hi viz stickers to attach to the body to ensure it can be seen. Or if it's a fancy dress party then go all out and wrap some fairy lights around you with tinsel and call yourself a Christmas tree!

Here are some other tips:

  • Cup Holder - perfect for being able to mingle hands free while having your drink nearby too
  • Gift Basket - did you need to bring a gift to this party or even better are you taking one home with you? Look into an attachable basket that you can put on your mobility scooter for optimum storage

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